
 When you see a baby as happy as the one in the photo above, you know someone is doing something right! We had our friend test out DockATot's snuggling dock and her and her baby could not be more impressed with this resting and snugggling dock.

Babies need a nurturing and cozy surrounding and feel calmer being in a smaller environment, which mimicks the mother’s womb. DockATot creates a soft and tender surrounding for little ones to lie in and feel snug and comforted.

Perfect for cuddling, playing, lounging, resting and everything in between. It’s ideal for travel—either from room to room, grandma’s house or on vacation. It’s also ideal for bed transitioning, something that has always been in issue in our households.

DockATot is both a luxury and a necessity for any parent who wants their little one’s earliest years to be nestled in a happy and healthy cocoon of comfiness.

Shop DockATot here.

Photos | Diana Ramos